使用方法: 取適量均勻塗於受影響肌膚區域,並輕輕按摩至吸收。使用時避開眼部四周位置。 Usage: Take an appropriate amount and apply evenly to the affected skin area, and gently massage until absorbed. Avoid applying on the eye area.
*效果因人而異 有任何疑慮應該詢問醫生意見 |
使用方法: 取適量均勻塗於受影響肌膚區域,並輕輕按摩至吸收。使用時避開眼部四周位置。 Usage: Take an appropriate amount and apply evenly to the affected skin area, and gently massage until absorbed. Avoid applying on the eye area.
*效果因人而異 有任何疑慮應該詢問醫生意見 |